0 to Licensed in 6 Hours

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General Class Ham Cram Course



PREREQUISITE: Register for and use the General License Prep on HamTestOnline.com. Take the practice exams and bring a printout of the testing history to class with you.

 (HamTestOnine is running special pricing until 3/31/19)

(you need to getting 60% or better on the online practice tests)




HOW MUCH: $25.00 pre-paid registration (minimum of 5 people must be registered for this class)

                                        - Class registration fee is non refundable.


The General License Ham Cram builds on skills you have developed as Technician class operators and provides the tools, including more in-depth electrical theory and practical knowledge, necessary to pass the FCC Element 3 (General Class) exam. The Zero to Licensed Ham Cram includes pre-study material, memorization aids, test taking techniques and time honored adult education philosophies so that students will assimilate and synthesize relevant information, while eliminating the "fluff." Our approach isn't simple rote memorization, but equips students with the "why" behind the "what."


With more than 20 years of amateur radio experience, our Zero to Licensed Ham Cram instructors engage students with a multi-modal environment of theory, tactile experience, and practical application. The benefits of the Ham Cram reach far beyond passing the exam and are the foundation for the hobby and service of amateur radio. We've even heard that they make the learning fun!


Additional registrations for this class are currently closed.  Please watch this site for the schedule for our next General License Cram Course.